България, 1164 София, Лозенец, ул. Златовръх №37
Работно време:
Stylish E.Mi-manicure Fashion Nail Look - ornamental sliders are designed according to the original order; they follow trends of such top designers collections (tendencies of furniture fabric in upper garments, dresses, suits, jackets) as French brand Blumarine and Italian brand Etro Design and nothing more! There is no need to scissor out the element along the outline; the excess of transparent film is easily removed with Ultrabond. Fashion on fingertips! A great variety of patterns and prints. Complex E.Mi-manicure just in a few minutes! Naildress saves time and optimizes nail designer's work! Easy to use! A discovery for beginners and must-have for professionals. Do not require extra training.
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Работно време:
E.Mi продукти за маникюр, които черпят вдъхновение от модните тенденции на най-известните моделиери по света. Всеки сезон посрещаме с нова колекция, готова да отговори и на най-претенциозния стил. Горди сме, че продуктите ни се ползват в 32 500 салони за красота из целия свят.